A Dynamic Ecosystem between MSU, Industry, and Federal/State Government
The MSU Space Electronics Initiative is a multidisciplinary industry-based research center in the College of Engineering at Michigan State University. With a focus on design and testing of electronic devices, circuits, and systems for space applications, the strength of the MSU Space Electronics Initiative relies on:
- strong interdisciplinary engineering and science talent of faculty, students, and researchers at MSU;
- unparalleled Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) testing facilities at MSU;
- and knowledge and expertise of our industrial member companies.
Dynamic Ecosystem

As a collaborative hub for research and development activities to advance the state-of-art in space electronics, the MSU Space Electronics Initiative also is a destination for educating and training tomorrow’s in-demand space electronics and affiliated science and engineering workforce.
Benefits for member organizations include:
- Membership levels to match the needs of member companies
- Close interaction and collaboration with MSU faculty, students and researchers via research projects, faculty/student exchanges, workforce development, senior capstone projects, technical workshops, and delegations/presence on-campus at MSU
- Participation in MSU Space Electronics Initiative industry advisory board with voting rights on general research projects pursued, as well as other administrative matters
- Participation in annual review meetings
- Access to MSU Space Electronics Center research results with perpetual Non-Exclusive Royalty Free license capability
- Option for proprietary sponsored research projects with intellectual property rights negotiated separately
- Potential for commercialization of developed technology through agreements with industry members and/or creation of start-up companies